
Why We Applied Early Decision

Lauren Czudak ’19
Psychology, Selected Studies in Education
Livonia, NY

Why did you decide to apply Early Decision at Syracuse?

Syracuse was a top choice for me after visiting my brother on campus. At an Orange Preview, I took a tour of campus and met with staff from the School of Education. I learned about Selected Studies, which is such a unique program that has diverse career options.

I fell so in love with the campus and the school and everything it provides. I felt like I was at home. The school spirit and the fact that the whole community “bleeds orange” truly set it apart. Syracuse offered a significant number of student organizations, strong academics, and it was a good distance from home.

What was it like to receive your notification?

I was ultimately admitted to my second choice program. At first, I was extremely disappointed. But my parents were so proud of me and emphasized how competitive Syracuse is. After 15 minutes it hit me how huge the honor was of being accepted ED. Since I wasn’t admitted to my first choice program, the decision was no longer binding. But I still knew I wanted to attend Syracuse. I even transferred into my first choice once I was a student.

Why should students apply ED?

Make sure that you truly see yourself at Syracuse for those four undergraduate years. It is a large commitment, but if you want to attend this university, it’s worth the pressure. Be sure you have conversations with your parents, counselor, and yourself about the application process. Speak your mind and let your parents understand and support your decision.


Max Josef ’21
Sport Management
San Francisco, CA

Why did you decide to apply Early Decision at Syracuse?

I began formulating my ideas for what I wanted in college while in middle school. I knew I wanted a mid-sized school with a strong sports team. I ended up visiting five colleges, including Syracuse. I ultimately applied Early Decision at Syracuse because I believed it would best prepare me for my future. The Sport Management program is incredibly strong, with .

Mostly, I wanted my decision early. The college application process is incredibly stressful and I just wanted to know where I was going and have a relaxing second semester.

How did you receive your notification?

I thought I would hear during finals week. I set an alarm on my phone for when I received an email from Syracuse. We were taking a practice final in my Pre-calculus class. As I was finishing up my test, the alarm went off. My teacher shook her head and let me go to the bathroom, telling me to “take my stuff and don’t come back if you don’t get the answer you were expecting.”

Why should students apply ED?

I think it’s a lot less stressful. It makes for a more enjoyable second semester of senior year. For me, I thought it was the best course of action because I knew I wanted to be at Syracuse. I think going Early Decision shows your passion in ways that a 1,500 word essay can’t.


Matthew Lyons ’22
Selected Studies in Education
Fair Lawn, NJ

Why did you decide to apply Early Decision at Syracuse?

My cousin graduated from Syracuse, so I heard a lot about the university growing up. It became a true contender in high school, as I was looking for colleges with strong education programs. I visited campus and was struck by how unique the teacher prep programs are in the School of Education. No other school I visited allowed students to have a field placement in the first year.

Syracuse became my first choice. Beyond the impressive academics, I felt at home here. I knew if I got accepted to Syracuse I was going to attend, so why not apply Early Decision? All my application materials were ready to go and it would relieve a lot of stress knowing which college I’d be going to by December of my senior year.

What was the wait like?

The wait was nerve-wracking. You try to put it in the back of your mind, but it’s hard. All my friends who were applying Regular Decision were putting the finishing touches on their applications. But I was dealing with a different type of stress. It was such a relief once I heard back in late December.

Why should students apply Early Decision?

Anyone that is really passionate about Syracuse should apply ED. If the college is your first choice and you can see yourself as part of the Syracuse community, you should apply early. Your application will stand out and it shows your dedication to being Orange.

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Signing up for Random Roommates

When I was an incoming freshman to SU, I searched tirelessly on the “Class of 2017” Facebook pages, trying to sell myself to potential roommates. Somewhat unsure exactly what type of a roommate I was looking for, I announced to the group that I was seeking “anyone who likes to have a good time but focuses on academics as well.” All I was sure of was that I wanted a roommate whom I was able to research on social media first before committing to live with them. I had heard a few roommate horror stories and did not want to sign up for the arbitrary roommate algorithm. However, as the deadline for roommate selection approached, I still was not able to find the right fit and even turned down several options.

I took this as a sign that my roommate search was not meant to be, so I decided to just let the system determine my fate. I received my roommate assignment and was put in a quad, which meant I had three random roommates. This was a pleasant surprise because I was able to share a living room with my roommates in addition to two bedrooms in the space. Though I was pleased with the outcome of my dorm, I was still unsure about the roommates I was going to live with.

My roommates came from different backgrounds and all different parts of the country. One of them was from Atlanta, another from New York City, and the third from Los Angeles. To my pleasant surprise,  I made three new friends right off the bat. I learned about different parts of the country that I had never visited and gained insight into the different cultures of each person’s diverse background.

While we were all a bit apprehensive at first, we soon started hanging out together more and more. We bonded over shared TV shows, made plans to go to the dining hall, and explored the campus together. I especially got along with one of my roommates, Adam, who is also from California. We found out that we actually shared some mutual friends and talked endlessly about our California roots. It was really nice to meet someone who understood exactly what I was going through as a West Coast native living on the other coast for the first time. We also branched out and got to know our whole floor, eventually becoming friends with everyone on floor five. Brewster fifth floor became a really close-knit family and I finally felt that SU was my home away from home. That sense of belonging was something I had longed for and being able to experience it encouraged me and gave me the confidence I needed to make even more friends.

Getting out of my comfort zone and looking at this as an opportunity to meet new people ended up being far better than playing it safe and picking my own roommate. Sure, random roommates can be a hit or miss situation, but you’ll be amazed how taking that chance is sure to be rewarding in the end.


Eric Chuang ’17, is a  Public Relations major at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications with a minor in English & Textual Studies. Additionally, he is part of the Fashion & Beauty Communications Milestone Program. Eric is a California native, dog enthusiast, fervent traveler, and sushi connoisseur. When not taking Buzzfeed quizzes or coming up with clever Instagram captions, he can most likely be found jamming to Taylor Swift’s “1989” album. More blogs from Eric Chuang.

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