August 2005

Chancellor Nancy Cantor announces the Haudenosaunee Promise Scholarship Program, a full scholarship for eligible Haudenosaunee scholars. Later in 2013, the Haudenosaunee Honor Scholarship is established to recognize talented scholars who have citizenship, but do not meet residency requirements. Both carry the same prestige.

July 2006

The Native Student Program (NSP) is established in the Office of
Multicultural Affairs. This program supports the academic
success and holistic development of Native students at Syracuse
University. The program also provides opportunities for students
to remain connected to their heritage, their people and their history.

November 2010

Tammy Bluewolf-Kennedy, Oneida Nation, begins as Admissions Counselor/Native American Liaison. She works closely with our Native Student Program, developing and improving programing that will best benefit our Indigenous students.

Fall 2012

Inception of the Certificate in Iroquois Linguistics for Language Learners
through University College of Syracuse University. Courses provide a unique
opportunity to study linguistic principles and grammatical features unique to the Iroquois languages with rich examples from all six Haudenosaunee languages. This certificate program is taught by Percy Abrams, Ph.D., member of the Eel Clan, Onondaga Nation.

Fall 2016

Syracuse University prominently flies the Haudenosaunee flag
alongside the United States flag, including inside the stadium,
Hendricks Chapel, the National Veterans Resource Center, the
Sheraton, and in front of Goldstein Student Center and Skytop offices
on South Campus.

October 2016

Syracuse University officially adopts Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Fall 2017

Syracuse University officially includes a land acknowledgment
statement before all major University events: “We acknowledge with respect the Onondaga Nation, Firekeepers of the Haudenosaunee, the
Indigenous People on whose ancestral lands Syracuse
University now stands.”

January 2019

Syracuse University hires its first Ombuds, Neal Powless, Onondaga Nation, (1 of only 2 Indigenous Ombuds in the country), who previously served as assistant director, Native Student Program and career counselor with Center for Career Services.

August 2020

The Haudenosaunee flag is raised by Onondaga Marine Corps veteran and Syracuse University 2020 alumna Suzanne Hill in front of the new National Veterans Resource Center. At the ceremony, Onondaga Nation Tadodaho
Sid Hill offered the traditional “Thanksgiving Address.”

October 2020

The Indigenous Pathways Grant is established to provide need-based aid to Indigenous students from across the United States and Canada.

The first Ongwehonwe Alumni Gathering takes place virtually during Orange Central, Syracuse University’s signature homecoming event.

The Indigenous Students Concerns and Solutions document is signed
by Chancellor Kent Syverud. This document describes the precise
actions the University commits to take in response to requests
made by the Indigenous Students at Syracuse, Native Student Program,
Ongwehhonwe Alumni Association and Haudenosaunee/Indigenous
Alumni Representatives.

July 2021

Diane Schenandoah, Oneida Nation, Wolf Clan, begins as Honwadiyenawa’sek/ One Who Helps Them. She provides culturally
appropriate guidance through traditional Haudenosaunee teachings at the Barnes Center at The Arch.

Spring 2022

Syracuse University installs permanent artwork on the quad by Onondaga artist, Brandon Lazore, commemorating the partnership between the
University and the Onondaga Nation.

We invite you to learn more about resources and opportunities for Indigenous students at Syracuse University.